Thank you.

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Glad you liked it. Makes me happy to be thanked.

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Beautiful. Safe travels, John.

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Hi, Theo! Thank you. I do the best I can, wrote that this afternoon. Got back last night. More about that maybe in Part Two. Got a 2022 mail art postcard of yours sitting on the table to my left right now. Just noticed you even had a FAKE STAMP on it and presumably didn't get arrested.

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Should have added a P.S. to that. Got back yesterday evening, thank you, all is well.

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Your relationship with Kathy is eternal but it's understandable that after such a wonderful marriage you would miss her terribly. I was telling a former Taos resident named Jan who lives in my senior building here in Seattle about your writings. She was "kicked out" of NM as was I (Santa Fe resident for 8 years) in 2003. I know how deeply you love the area and if you haven't been kicked out yet maybe you will end up there for the rest of your life. Anyway, thank you for sharing the story of your great love. Wishing you peace and a safe trip home.

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Hi, Mary. You're very welcome and thank you, too. We had our bad times, my words were sharp when I was down. But we connected. As for now, that may still be, because I feel like I'm a student.

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Hi John, Kathy now has a perspective that is outside of time and space which is impossible for us to imagine. Maybe "magic mushrooms" provide that and is why they are being studied to help people with conditions like PTSD. In my experience, people who pass often give a few signs that they are still with us but then leave us alone to learn the lessons necessary for us. This happened especially when my mother passed when she sent my sister and me many bird manifestations for a while and appeared in a dream. Best wishes, Mary

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